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《心理科学进展》副主编 (2021年-2025年)








1996.9—2000.7  北京大学毕业,获心理学博士学位

1986.9—1989.7  76net必赢官网毕业,获心理学硕士学位

1978.3—1982.2  北京师范学院毕业,获理学学士学位


1982.3—1987.11   助教,北京师范学院(76net必赢官网)

1987.11—1992.11  讲师,76net必赢官网

1992.11—1997.11  副教授,76net必赢官网

1997.11—现在     教授,76net必赢官网



























2003.1-2004. 3.30  美国 Northwestern University Psychology Department访问学者

2006.8.10-2007.3.10  美国University of Kentucky Behavior Department 访问学者

2009.9.18-2009.11.19  美国University of Kentucky Behavior Department 访问学者

2012.11.7-2012.12.23  美国University of Kentucky Behavior Department 访问学者


国家自然科学基金:“联结再认的心理与神经机制:熟悉性与回想的作用”;主持:(2017.1- 2020.12),项目号:31671127。

国家自然科学基金:“人类记忆过程:概念启动与熟悉性的神经机制”;主持:(2013.1- 2016.12),项目号:31271078。




高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金:“工作记忆和情景记忆中概念启动神经机制的研究”; 主持:(2011.1-2013.12),项目号:20101108110004。

北京市教委重点课题:“人类记忆——新旧效应与重复效应的神经机制研究”;主持:(2010.1-2012 .12), 项目号:KZ201010028029。


高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金:“工作记忆中编码过程的神经机制研究”;主持:(2005.1-2006.12), 项目号:20040028001。


1. Xi Jia, Chuanji Gao, Baoming Li, Svetlana V. Shinkareva, Chunyan Guo*(2021)Effects of retrieval and emotion on within-item associative memory – Evidence from ERP and oscillatory subsequent memory effects. Biological Psychology,  doi.org/10.1016/j.biopsycho.2021.108222.

2. Yurao Ma, Zejun Liu, Chunyu Zhao and Chunyan Guo*(2021)Unitization congruence moderates the effect of unitization on associative recognition: evidence from event-related potentials. NeuroReport, doi: 10.1097/WNR.0000000000001735.

3. Chuanji Gao, Wanze Xie, Jessica J. Green, Douglas H. Wedell, Xi Jia, Chunyan Guo*, Svetlana V. Shinkareva*(2021)Evoked and induced power oscillations linked to audiovisual integration of affect. Biological Psychology, doi: 10.1016/j.biopsycho.2020.108006.

4. Guixiong Liu, Yujuan Wang, Yongping Jia, Chunyan Guo*(2021)Unitization facilitates familiarity-based cross-language associative recognition. Neuroscience Letters     https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neulet.2020.135501.

5. Zejun Liu,Chunyan Guo*(2020)Unitization could facilitate item recognition but inhibit verbatim recognition for picture stimuli: behavioral and event‑related potential study. Psychological Research, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00426-020-01442-w.

6. Baoqing LuI, Zejun LiuI, Yujuan Wang Chunyan Guo*(2020)The  different effect s  of  concept definition and interactive imagery encoding on associative recognition for picture and word stimuli. International Journal of Psychophysiology,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2020.09.012.

7. Zejun Liu,Yujuan Wang,Chunyan Guo*(2020)Under the condition of unitization at encoding rather than unitization at retrieval, familiarity could support associative recognition and the relationship between unitization and recollection was moderated byunitization-congruence. Learning and Memory .

8. Zejun Liu, Jun Wu, Yujuan Wang, Chunyan Guo*(2020)Unitization does not impede overall item recognition performance: behavioral and event-related potential study. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nlm.2019.107130.

9. Xi Jia, Chuanji Gao, Lixia Cui, Chunyan Guo*(2020)Neurophysiological Evidence for the Retrieval Practice Effect under Emotional Context. International Journal of Psychophysiology https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2019.12.008.   

10. Jie Zhang, Xiaohuan Li, Chunyan Guo*(2020)The neurocognitive features in survival 1 processing: an ERP study. International Journal of Psychophysiology, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2019.10.012.

11. Zejun Liu, Jun Wu, Chunyan Guo*(2019)The Effect of unitization on Associative Recognition was not moderated by the Unitization-Congruence between original and rearranged picture pairs (UC) for picture stimuli. Psychological Research, doi: 10.1007/s00426-019-01260-9.

12. Bingbing Li,Chuanji Gao, Wei Wang, Chunyan Guo*(2019)The effect of conceptual priming on subsequent familiarity: Behavioral and electrophysiological evidence. Biological Psychology, doi:10.1016/j.biopsycho.2019.107783.

13. Xi Jia, Chuanji Gao, Lixia Cui, Chunyan Guo*(2019)The role of emotion arousal in the retrieval practice effect. Experimental Brain Research, doi: 10.1007/s00221-019-05658-0

14. Yi Liu, Xinrui Mao, Yubin Peng, Baoqing Lu and Chunyan Guo*(2019)Dissociating neural correlates of retrieval practice and elaborative study in associative recognition memory. NeuroReport, doi: 10.1097/WNR.0000000000001301.

15. Bingcan Li, Meng Han, Chunyan Guo*, Roni Tibon*(2019) Unitization modulates recognition of within‐domain and cross‐domain associations: Evidence from event‐related potentials. Psychophysiology, doi: 10.1111/psyp.13446.

16. Xue Yang, Xinrui Mao, Meng Han, Xian Li and Chunyan Guo*(2019) Electrophysiological evidence of encoding in self-referential effect. NeuroReport, doi: 10.1097/WNR.0000000000001303.

17. Zejun Liu and Chunyan Guo*(2019)Unitization improves item recognition through less overall neural processing. NeuroReport, doi: 10.1097/WNR.0000000000001296.

18. Jie Zhang, Xiaohuan Li and Chunyan Guo*(2019)Animate words facilitate noun–noun integration during an imagery task: an event-related potential study. NeuroReport, doi: 10.1097/WNR.0000000000001264.  

19. Xi Jia, Chuanji Gao, Yujuan Wang, Meng Han, Lixia Cui*, and Chunyan Guo*(2019)  Emotional Arousal Influences Remembrance of Goal-Relevant Stimuli. August 15. Emotion, http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/emo0000657.

20. Yubin Peng Yi Liu and Chunyan Guo*(2019)Examining the neural mechanism behind testing effect with concrete and abstract words. NeuroReport,doi: 10.1097/WNR.0000000000001169.  

21. Meng Han, Xinrui Mao, Nika Kartvelishvili, Wen Li, Chunyan Guo*(2018)Unitization mitigates interference by intrinsic negative emotion in familiarity and recollection of associative memory: Electrophysiological evidence. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience,https://doi.org/10.3758/s13415-018-0636-y.

22. Xi Jia, Chuanji Gao, Lixia Cui and Chunyan Guo*(2018)Does emotion arousal influence the benefit received from testing: insights from neural correlates of retrieval mode effect. NeuroReport,doi: 10.1097/WNR.0000000000001130.

23. Wei Wang, Bingbing Li, Chuanji Gao, Chunyan Guo*(2018)The temporal dynamics of perceptual and conceptual fluency on recognition memory. Brain and Cognition, doi.org/10.1016/j.bandc.2018.07.002.

24. Xinrui Mao,Yujuan Wang,Yanhong Wu*,Chunyan Guo*(2017)Self-referential information alleviates retrieval 1 inhibition of directed forgetting effects——An ERP evidence of source memory. Frontiers in Behavioral Neurosciencedoi.org/10.3389/fnbeh.2017.00187.

25. Yuan Lyu,Yujuan Wang,Xinrui Mao,Xian Li,& Chunyan Guo*(2017)Semantic Relationship Shared Between Words: Influence on Associative Recognition Supported by Event-Related Potentials. Neuroreportdoi:10.1097/WNR.0000000000000910.

26. Xinrui Mao,Mengxi Tian,Yi Liu,Bingcan Li,Yan Jin,Yanhong Wu* and Chunyan Guo*(2017)Can We Retrieve the Information Which Was Intentionally Forgotten? Electrophysiological Correlates of Strategic Retrieval in Directed Forgetting. Frontiers in Psychologydoi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01480.

27. Bingbing Li,Jason R. Taylor,Wei Wang,Chuanji Gao,Chunyan Guo*(2017)Electrophysiological signals associated with fluency of different levels of processing reveal multiple contributions to recognition memory. Consciousness and Cognition,  http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.concog.2017.05.001.

28. Yi Liu,Timm Rosburg,Chuanji Gao,Christine Weber,Chunyan Guo*(2017) Differentiation of subsequent memory effects between retrieval practice and elaborative study. Biological Psychology,doi10.1016/j.biopsycho.2017.05.010Vol,127,134–147.

29. Bingcan Li,Xinrui Mao,Yujuan Wang and Chunyan Guo*(2017)Electrophysiological Correlates of Familiarity and Recollection in Associative Recognition: Contributions of Perceptual and Conceptual Processing to Unitization. Frontiers in Human Neurosciencedoi:10.3389/fnhum.2017.00125.

30. Cui-Hong Li, Xu He, Yu-Juan Wang, Zhe Hu and Chun-Yan Guo*(2017)Visual Working Memory Capacity Can Be Increased by Training on Distractor Filtering Efficiency. Frontiers in Psychologydoi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00196.

31. Chuanji Gao,Timm Rosburg,Mingzhu Hou,Bingbing Li,Xin Xiao,Chunyan Guo*(2016)The role of retrieval mode and retrieval orientation in retrieval practice: insights from comparing recognition memory testing formats and restudying. Cogn Affect Behav Neuroscidoi: 10.3758/s13415-016-0446-z.

32. Lixia Cui, Guangyuan Shi, Fan He, Qin Zhang, Tian P. S. Oei,6 and Chunyan Guo*(2016)Electrophysiological Correlates of Emotional Source Memory in High-Trait-Anxiety Individuals. Frontiers in Psychologydoi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01039.

33. Yujuan Wang,Xinrui Mao,Bingbing Li,Wei Wang and Chunyan Guo*(2016)Dissociating the Electrophysiological Correlates between Item Retrieval and Associative Retrievalin Associative Recognition:From the Perspective of Directed Forgetting. Frontiers in Psychology,doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01754.

34. Xiaoyu Cui,ChuanjiGao,Jianshe Zhou,and  Chunyan Guo*(2016)Can color changes alter the neural correlates of recognition memory? Manipulation of processing affects an electrophysiological indicator of conceptual implicit memory. Neuroreport,doi: 10.1097/WNR.0000000000000652.

35. Yujuan Wang,Xinrui Mao,Bingcan Li,Baoqing Lu and Chunyan Guo*(2016)Semantic memory influences episodic retrieval by increased familiarity. Neuroreportdoi: 10.1097/WNR.0000000000000613.

36. Bingbing Li,WeiWang,Chuanji Gao,Chunyan Guo*(2016) Masked repetition priming hinders subsequent recollectionbut not familiarity: A behavioral and event-related potential study. Cogn Affect Behav Neuroscidoi:10.3758/s13415-016-0431-6.

37. Huifang Xu,Qin Zhang,Bingbing Li,Chunyan Guo*(2015)Dissociable effects of valence and arousal on different subtypes of old/new effect: Evidence from event-related potentials. Frontiers in Human Neurosciencedoi: 10.3389/fnhum.2015.00650.

38. Xinrui Mao,Yuqi You,Wen Li and Chunyan Guo*(2015) Emotion impairs extrinsic source memory—An ERP study. Biological Psychology,doi: 10.1016/j.biopsycho.2015.07.005.

39. Bingbing Li, Chuanji Gao, Wei Wang and Chunyan Guo*(2015)Processing fluency hinders subsequent recollection: An electrophysiological study. Frontiers in Psychologydoi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00863.

40. Wei Wang, Bingbing Li, Chuanji Gao, Xin Xiao and Chunyan Guo*(2015)Electrophysiological correlates associated with contributions of perceptual and conceptual fluency to familiarity,Frontiers in Human Neurosciencedoi: 10.3389/fnhum.2015.00321.

41. Wei Wang,Bingbing Li,Chuanji Gao,Huifang Xu,Chunyan Guo*(2015) Conceptual fluency increases recollection: behavioral and electrophysiological evidence. Frontiers in Human Neurosciencedoi: 10.3389/fnhum.2015.00377.

42. Chuanji Gao , Molly S. Hermiller, Joel L. Voss and Chunyan Guo*(2015)Basic perceptual changes that alter meaning and neural correlates of recognition memory. Frontiers in Human Neurosciencedoi: 10.3389/fnhum.2015.00049.

43. Xu He, Weiwei Zhang, Cuihong Li, ChunyanGuo*(2015) Precision requirements do not affect the allocation of visual working memory capacity. Brain Research 1602: 126-143.

44. Xin Xiao, Heather D. Lucas, Ken A. Paller, Jin-hong Ding, Chun-yan Guo*(2014) Retrieval Intention Modulates the Effects of Directed Forgetting Instructions on Recollection. PloS ONE9(8): e104701.

45. Mingzhu Hou, Chuanji Gao, Jun Wu, Chunyan Guo*(2014)Neural correlates of familiarity and conceptual fluencyare dissociable at encoding. Chinese science Bulletin, 59(28), 3602-3609.

46. Mingzhu Hou, Adam Safron, Ken A. Paller, Chunyan Guo*(2013)Neural correlates of familiarity and conceptual fluency in a recognition test with ancient pictographic characters. Brain Research, 1518: 48-60.

47. Hong Chen, Joel L Voss, Chunyan Guo*(2012)Event-related brain potentials that distinguish false memory for events that occurred only seconds in the past. Behavioral and Brain Functions, doi: 10.1186/1744-9081-8-36.

48. Xin Xiao, Di Zhao, Qin Zhang, Chun-yan Guo*(2012)Retrieval of concrete words involves more contextual information than abstract words: multiple components for the concreteness effect. Brain & Language, 120: 251-258.

49. XIAO Xin, DING JinHong & GUO ChunYan*(2011)The effects of encoding and retrieval on the mechanism of item+context binding. Chinese science Bulletin, 56(17), 2787-1798.

50. CHEN YanNi, GUO ChunYan* & JIANG Yang(2011)Neural basis for successful encoding and retrieval of prospective memory. Science China, 54(6), 580-587.

51. Guo Chunyan*, Chen Wenju, Tian Tian, Ken A Paller and Joel L Voss(2010)Orientation to learning context modulates retrieval processing for unrecognized words. Chinese science Bulletin, 55(26), 2966-2973.

52 Dong Liu, Chunyan Guo* and Jin Luo(2010)An electrophysiological analysis of maintenance and manipulation in working memory. Neuroscience Letters, 482: 123-127.

53. Liu Zhaomin, Guo Chunyan*, Luo Liang(2010) Attention and available long-term memory in an activation-based model. Science China, 53(6), 742-752.

54. Li Yueting, Li Qi, Guo Chunyan*(2009)Differences of relevance in implicit and explicit memory tests: An ERP study. Chinese science Bulletin, 54(15), 2669-2680.

55. Chunyan Guo*, Adam L. Lawson, Qin Zhang, Yang Jiang*(2008)Brain potentials distinguish new and studied objects during working memory. Human Brian Mapping, 29, 441-452(封面文章).

56. Li Qi, Guo Chunyan*, Jiang Yang(2008)Brain potentials and repetition effects during encoding and retrieval of words. NeuroReport, 19, 1365-1368.

57. Zhang YunHong, Chunyan Guo*(2008)Relationship between perceptual and semantic levels of representation: An event-related potential study. Chinese science Bulletin, 53(24), 3847-3859.

58. Nie Aiqing, Guo Chunyan*,Shen Mowei(2008)Material differences of auditory source retrieval: Evidence from event-related potential studies. Chinese science Bulletin, 53(18), 2801-2812.

59. Meng Yingfang, Guo Chunyan*(2007)ERP dissociation and connection between implicit and explicit memory. Chinese science Bulletin, 52(21), 2945-2953.

60. Nie Aiqing, Guo Chunyan*,Shen Mowei(2007)Neural correlation of item recognition and voice source retrieval. Progress in Natural Science, Special Issue.

61. Liu Zhaomin, Guo Chunyan*(2007)Interactions between working memory and selective attention. Chinese science Bulletin, 52(20), 2811-2819.

62. Chunyan Guo*, Adam L. Lawson and Yang Jiang(2007)Distinct neural mechanisms for repetition effects of visual objects. Neuroscience, 149(4), 747-759.

63. Chunyan Guo*, Li Duan, Wen Li, Ken A. Paller(2006)Distinguishing source memory and item memory: Brain potentials at encoding and retrieval. Brain Research, 1118, 142–154.

64. Liu Rong, Guo Chunyan*, Jiang Yang(2006)An event-related potential study of working memory in children. Chinese science Bulletin, 51(12), 1467-1475.

65. Chunyan Guo*, Joel L. Voss, Ken A. Paller(2005)Electrophysiological correlates of forming memories for faces, names, and face-name associations. Cognitive Brain Research, 22,  153-164.

66. Chunyan Guo*, Ying Zhu, Jinhong Ding, Silu Fan, Ken A. Paller(2004)An electrophysiological investigation of memory encoding, depth of processing, and word frequency in humans. Neuroscience Letters, 356, 79-82.

67. Nie Aiqing, Guo Chunyan*, Wu Yanhong, Qu Nan, Ding Jinhong(2004)Picture encoding and retrieval: An event-related potentials study. Chinese science Bulletin, 49(20), 2148-2154.

1. 李兵兵 郭春彦*(2020)FN400和N400是相同的ERP成分:来自图形材料的证据。心理科学,Vol. 43(4):1-6.

2. 刘贵雄 贾永萍 王余娟 买合甫来提·坎吉 郭春彦*(2019)联结再认中双语者第二语言记忆优势效应。心理学报,Vol. 51 (1): 14-23.

3. 韩萌 毛新瑞 蔡梦彤 贾茜 郭春彦*(2017)大小判断任务中正负号及其异同对SNARC效应的影响. 心理学报,49 (8), 995-1008.

4. 毛新瑞 徐慧芳 郭春彦*(2015)双加工再认提取中的情绪记忆增强效应. 心理学报,47 (9),1111-1123.

5. 黎翠红 何 旭 郭春彦*(2015)多特征刺激在视觉工作记忆中的存储模式. 心理学报,47(6),734-745.

6. 律原 梁九清 郭春彦*(2015)项目间语义可整合性对联结再认的影响 ——来自ERPs研究证据. 心理学报,47 (4),427-438.

7.徐慧芳 张钦 郭春彦*(2015)情绪效价和唤醒对熟悉性和回想的不同影响. 心理科学, 38(2),263-269

8.李兵兵 郭春彦*(2015)流畅性对再认的影响:实验证据及理论解释. 心理科学, 38(1),68-74.

9. 刘英杰 魏萍 丁锦红 郭春彦*(2014)内隐重复效应影响外显工作记忆的年龄差异. 心理学报,46(3),321-330.

10. 王瑛瑛 梁九清 郭春彦*(2014)单字法定向遗忘中情绪指示符对记忆编码过程的影响. 心理学报,46(6),740-753.

11. 孙天义 许远理 郭春彦*(2013)人类面孔识别工作记忆的脑电位特征. 心理学报,45 (10),1072-1084.

12. 胡哲 梁九清 张钦 郭春彦*(2013)不同情绪背景下的来源记忆:一个事件相关电位研究. 心理学报,45(7),725-739.

13. 刘兆敏 郭春彦*(2013)工作记忆和长时记忆共享信息表征的ERP证据. 心理学报,45(3),276-284.

14. 梁九清 郭春彦*(2012)跨领域项目间联结记忆中项目提取和关系提取的分离:一项事件相关电位研究. 心理学报,44(5),625-633.

15. 孙天义 许远理 郭春彦*(2011)任务转换的多脑区作用机制: 来自ERP的证据. 中国科学,43(11),1121-1133.

16. 于萍 袁水霞 …代淑芬 郭春彦*(2011)记忆过程中海马CA1区神经元的集群放电特征. 心理学报,43(8),917-928.

17. 聂爱情 郭春彦* 沈模卫(2011)测验范式对位置来源提取的影响 ---- 事件相关电位研究. 心理学报,43(5),473-482.

18. 王晓娜 李琦 郭春彦*(2011)语义相似性下回忆与熟悉性的分离. 心理科学,34(5),1068-1071

19. 李月婷 李琦 郭春彦*(2010)内隐和外显记忆测验中情绪词差异的ERP研究. 心理学报,42(7),735-742.

20. 刘英丽 金真 郭春彦*(2009)正性情绪状态对工作记忆刷新功能的影响. 自然科学进展,19(9),906-916.

21. 孟迎芳 郭春彦*(2009)内隐与外显记忆的编码与提取非对称性关系. 心理学报,41(8),694-705.

22. 于萍 石密 渠春环 李新旺 郭春彦*(2009)东莨菪碱对大鼠空间参考记忆和工作记忆的不同影响. 心理学报, 41(4), 337-345.

23. 刘聪慧 郭春彦*丁锦红 俞国良(2008) 字频和预存表征对相继记忆效应的影响. 心理学报, 40(6),662-670.

24. 孙天义 肖鑫 郭春彦*(2008)预知任务转换的内源性准备和外源性调节. 心理学报,40(5),562-570.

25. 郭春彦 孙天义(2007)工作记忆中转换加工的内源性准备和外源性调节. 心理学报,39(6),985-993.

26. 聂爱情 郭春彦* 沈模卫(2007)图形项目记忆与位置来源提取的ERP研究. 心理学报,39(1),50-57.

27. 孟迎芳 郭春彦*(2007)编码与提取干扰对内隐和外显记忆的非对称影响. 心理学报,39(4),579-588.

28.李琦 赵迪 郭春彦*(2007)从词频和新旧效应探讨再认测验中的定向遗忘. 心理科学,30(5),1061-1064.

29. 孟迎芳 郭春彦*(2006)内隐记忆与外显记忆的脑机制分离:面孔再认的ERP研究. 心理学报,38(1),15-21.

30. 屈南 郭春彦* 聂爱情 丁锦红(2005)提取方式对相继记忆效应的影响. 心理学报,37(1),26-33.

31. 郭春彦 朱滢 丁锦红 范思陆(2004)记忆编码与特异性效应之间的ERP研究. An event-related potential study on the relationship between encoding and stimulus distinctiveness Acta Psychologica Sinica. 心理学报,36(4),455-463.

1. 李兵兵 郭春彦*(2021)知觉和概念流畅性对随后再认记忆和启动效应的影响。应用心理学,Vol. 27(2),111-119.

2. 胡哲 张杰 黎翠红 郭春彦*(2020)来源记忆中背景的情绪效价禹唤醒对提取过程的影响。心理与行为研究,Vol. 18(2):185-192.

3. 刘泽军 王余娟 郭春彦*(2019)从整合的角度看联结记忆中的项目再认。心理科学进展 Vol. 27(3), 490–498,DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2019.00490.

4. 刘怡 高传吉 李兵兵 郭春彦*(2016)测验效应的内部机制——基于情景背景理论的视角. 心理科学进展,24(6),892–899

5. 陈红 郭春彦* 杨海波(2015 延迟间隔和提取条件对短时错误记忆的影响. 心理与行为研究,13(1),37-43

6. 黎翠红 何旭 郭春彦*(2014)工作记忆训练的研究述评. 心理与行为研究,12(3),407-412

7. 郭春彦 高传吉 李兵兵(2013)FN400 效应:外显记忆测量中的概念启动加工. 心理科学进展,21(9),1521–1530

8. 何旭 郭春彦*(2013)视觉工作记忆容量与资源分配.  心理科学进展,21(10),1741–1748

9. 刘荣 郭春彦* 刘聪慧(2013)前摄干扰对工作记忆的作用---大脑如何解决前摄干扰?心理科学进展,21(1),48-58

10. 孙天义 肖鑫 郭春彦*(2007)转换加工研究回顾. 心理科学进展,15(5),761-767

11. 郭春彦(2007)工作记忆:一个备受关注的研究. 心理科学进展,15(1),1-7

12. 郭春彦 刘荣(2007)工作记忆与情景记忆的相互作用. 心理科学进展,15(1),29-35

13. 孟迎芳 郭春彦*(2006)从认知神经科学的角度看内隐记忆和外显记忆的分离. 心理科学进展,14(6),822-828.

14. 刘荣 郭春彦*(2005)工作记忆与情景记忆中脑区的重合与分离---从脑区定位看两者之间关系. 心理科学进展,13(4),435-441.

15. 樊晓燕 郭春彦*(2005)从认知神经科学的角度看熟悉性和回想. 心理科学进展,13(3),314-319.

16. 聂爱情 郭春彦*(2005)来源记忆与年老化. 心理科学进展,13(4),442-447.
