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魏萍,博士, 教授,博士生导师



通讯地址:北京市海淀区阜外白堆子甲23号 76net必赢官网,100073

电子邮件:aweiping@gmail.com; weiping@mail.cnu.edu.cn 


1999.9 -2003.7,北京师范大学物理学系,理学学士

2003.9 -2009.7,北京大学心理学系,理学博士
















2010.1 -2012.12,国家自然科学基金面上项目,右侧颞顶联合区在注意瞬脱中的门控作用:fMRI、ERP和TMS研究,主要参加者

2008.1 -2010.12,国家自然科学基金面上项目,任务维度和任务无关维度特征一致性对视觉搜索的影响及神经机制,主要参加者

2005.1 -2007.12,国家自然科学基金面上项目,冲突控制与注意定向:行为和功能成像研究,主要参加者


Wei, P., Mueller, H.J., Pollmann, S., Zhou, X.* (2011). Neural correlates of binding features within- or cross-dimensions in visual conjunction search: An fMRI study. NeuroImage, 57(1), 235-241.  2014年12月获北京市第十三届哲学社会科学优秀成果奖二等奖








Zhang, Y., Rong, Y., & Wei, P.* (2023). Mothers exhibit higher neural activity in gaining rewards for their children than for themselves. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 18(1), 48. Doi: 10.1093/scan/nsad048    

Zhang, Y., Li, Q., Hu, L., Mueller, H., & Wei, P.* (2023). Comparing Monetary Gain and Loss in the Monetary Incentive Delay Task: EEG Evidence. Psychophysiology, 2023-07-20 early access. Doi: 10.1111/psyp.14383    

Chen, N., & Wei, P.* (2023). Reward History Modulates the Processing of Task-irrelevant Emotional Faces in a Demanding Task. Brain Sciences, 13, 6, 874. 2023-07-08, Doi: 10.3390/brainsci13060874    

Zhao, C., Peng, Y., Liu, Z., Wei, P.*, & Guo, C.* (2023). Chinese character unitization enhances recollection-based rather than familiarity-based associative memory. Psych Journal, 12(4), 561-571. Doi: 10.1002/pchj.663        

Rong, Y., Chen, N., Dong, J., Li, Q., Yue, X., Hu, L., & Wei, P.* (2022). Expectations of immediate and delayed reward differentially affect cognitive task performance. NeuroImage, 262, 119582. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2022.119582.

Rong, Y., Li, Y., Mueller, H., & Wei, P.* (2022). Reward expectation enhances reactive control of distraction by emotionally negative stimuli. Emotion, https://doi.org/10.1037/emo0001171    

Feng, C., Huang, W., Xu, K., Stewart, J. L., Camilleri, J. A., Yang, X., Wei, P., Gu, R.*, Luo, W., Eickhoff, S. B. (2022). Neural substrates of motivational dysfunction across neuropsychiatric conditions: Evidence from meta-analysis and lesion network mapping. Clinical Psychology Review, 96, 102189.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cpr.2022.102189      

Dai, W., Zhou, H., Møller, A., Wei, P., Hu, k., Feng, K., Han, J., Li, Q.*, & Liu, X.* (2022). Patients with methamphetamine addiction show highly utilized proactive inhibitory control and intact reactive inhibitory control with long-term abstinence. Brain Sciences, 12, 974.  https://doi.org/10.3390/brainsci12080974

Sum, M., Jia, Q., Liu, F., Wei, P., Cui, L., & Zhang, Q.* (2022). The role of temporal attention in the processing of facial expression: evidence from attentional blink paradigm. Current Psychology, early access. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-021-02500-1

Wei, P.*, Ji., L. (2021). Reward expectation modulates N2pc for target selection: Electrophysiological evidence. Psychophysiology, 58, 8, e13837.

Jia, Y., Cui, L., Pollmann, S., Wei, P. * (2021). The interactive effects of reward expectation and emotional interference on cognitive conflict control: An ERP study. Physiology & Behavior, 234, 113369.

Sum, M., Liu, F., Cui, L., Wei, P., Zhang, Q.* (2021). The Effect of Fearful Faces on the Attentional Blink is Modulated by Emotional Task Relevance: an Event-related Potential Study. Neuropsychologia, 162, 108043.

Wang, L., Yang, G., Zheng, Y., Li, Z., Wei, P., Li, Q.*, Hu, K., Liu, X. (2021). Neural Substrates of Deficient Cognitive Control in Individuals with Severe Internet Gaming Disorder. Neuroimage: Clinical, 32, 102828.

Li, X., Zhang, M., Wu, L., Zhang, Q., Wei, P.* (2021). Neural mechanisms of reward-by-cueing interactions: ERP evidence. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2021, 15, 608427.

Wu, X., Zhang, C., Hong, T., Cheng, C., Wei, P., Hsieh, J. C., Luo, J.* (2021). From “Aha!” to “Haha!” Using Humor to Cope with Negative Stimuli. Cerebral Cortex, 31(4), 2238-2250.

Pollmann, S.*, Geringswald, F., Wei, P., & Porracin, E. (2020). Intact contextual cueing for search in realistic scenes with simulated central or peripheral vision loss. Translational Vision Science & Technology. 2020 July, 9(8), 15.

Wang, J., Xiao, Q., Ding, J., Zhou, Y., Wei, P.*, Xiao, J.* (2020). Irrelevant emotional distractor faces and attentional capture by individuals with cognitive vulnerability to depression. Nordic Psychology, 72(2), 168-179.

Gu, R.#, Huang, W.#, Camilleri, J., Xu, P., Wei, P.*, Eickhoff, S.B., & Feng. C.* (2019). Love is analogous to money in human brain: coordinate-based and functional connectivity meta-analyses of social and monetary reward anticipation. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 100, 108-128.

Chen, N., Wei, P.* (2019). Reward association alters brain responses to emotional stimuli: ERP evidence. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 135, 21-32.

Wu, L., Mueller, H., Zhou, X.*, Wei, P.* (2019). Differential modulations of reward expectation on implicit facial emotion processing: ERP evidence. Psychophysiology, 56, 3, e13304.

Wei, P.*, Yu, H., Pollmann, S., Mueller, H., Zhou, X*. (2019). Differential brain mechanisms for processing distracting information in task-relevant and -irrelevant dimensions in visual search. Human Brain Mapping, 40:110–124.

Guo, X., Li, Y., Zhang, Q.*, Cui, L., Wei, P.* (2018). Weakening of recognition memory caused by task-irrelevant emotional encoding context can be modulated by individuals' inhibitory control. Personality and Individual Differences, 134, 201-209.

Li, Y., Liu, F., Zhang, Q.*, Liu, X.*, Wei, P.* (2018). The effect of mindfulness training on proactive and reactive cognitive control. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 1002.

Kang, G., Chang, W., Wang, L., Wei, P.*, Zhou, X*. (2018). Reward enhances cross-modal conflict control in object categorization: Electrophysiological evidence. Psychophysiology, 55, 11, e13214.

Wei, P.*, Wang D., Ji L. (2016). Reward expectation regulates brain responses to task-relevant and task-irrelevant emotional words: ERP evidence. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 11(2), 191-203.

Kang, G., Zhou, X.*, Wei, P.* (2015). Independent effects of reward expectation and spatial orientation on the processing of emotional facial expressions. Experimental Brain Research, 233(9), 2571-2580.

Wei, P.*, Kang, G. (2014). Task-relevance regulates the interaction between reward expectation and emotion. Experimental Brain Research, 232(6), 1783-1791.

Wei, P.*, Szameitat, A. J., Mueller, H. J., Schubert, T., Zhou, X.* (2013). The neural correlates of perceptual load induced attentional selection: An fMRI study. Neuroscience, 250, 372-380.

Wei, P.*, Kang, G., Zhou, X.* (2013). Attentional selection within and across hemispheres: Implications for the perceptual load theory. Experimental Brain Research, 225(1), 37-45. Wei, P., Mueller, H.J., Pollmann, S., Zhou, X.* (2011). Neural correlates of binding features within- or cross-dimensions in visual conjunction search: An fMRI study. NeuroImage, 57(1), 235-241.

Kliegl, R.*, Wei, P., Dambacher, M., Yan, M., Zhou, X.* (2011). Experimental effects and individual differences in linear mixed models: estimating the relationship between spatial, object, and attraction effects in visual attention. Frontiers in Quantitative Psychology and Measurement, 1:238. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2010.00238.

Wei, P., Mueller, H.J., Pollmann, S., Zhou, X.* (2009). Neural basis of interaction between target presence and display homogeneity in visual search: An fMRI study. NeuroImage, 45(3), 993-1001.

Wei, P., Lv, J., Mueller, H.J., Zhou, X.* (2008). Searching for two feature singletons in the visual scene: The localized attentional interference effect. Experimental Brain Research, 185(2), 175–188.

Wei, P., & Zhou, X.* (2006). Processing multidimensional objects under different perceptual loads: The priority of bottom-up perceptual saliency. Brain Research, 1114(1), 113-124.

Chen, Q., Wei, P., & Zhou, X.* (2006). Distinct neural correlates for resolving Stroop conflict at inhibited and non-inhibited locations in inhibition of return (IOR). Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 18(11), 1937-1946.

张美晨,魏萍*,张钦*. (2015). 阈上阈下不同面孔表情下的注视线索提示效应. 心理学报. 47 (11), 1309-1317.

纪丽燕,陈宁轩,丁锦红,魏萍*. (2015). 奖赏预期调节局部注意干扰效应. 心理学报. 47 (6), 721-733.

刘英杰,郭春彦,魏萍*. (2014). 知觉负载影响注意选择和冲突解决的系列效应. 心理学报. 46(9), 1271-1280.

魏萍*,康冠兰,丁锦红,郭春彦. (2014). 奖赏预期对面孔情绪加工的影响:一项事件相关电位研究. 心理学报. 46(4), 437-449.

刘英杰,魏萍,丁锦红,郭春彦*. (2014). 内隐重复效应影响外显工作记忆的年龄差异. 心理学报. 46(3), 321-330.

魏萍*,康冠兰. (2012). 注意捕获效应受知觉负载及目标与干扰项距离的共同影响. 心理学报. 44(11), 1454-1462.

魏萍*,康冠兰. (2012). 奖赏性线索启动和调控视觉搜索额顶网络的神经机制. 心理科学进展. 20(6), 798-804.

魏萍*,周晓林. (2011). 任务维度和任务无关维度干扰信息的同质性影响视觉搜索的神经机制. 心理科学进展. 19(6), 794-802.

魏萍,周晓林*. (2005). 从知觉负载理论来理解选择性注意,心理科学进展. 13(4), 413-420.


《普通心理学》,张钦等编,中国人民大学出版社,2012.4.1,ISBN :9787300153711



Selective attention to multidimensional objects. 口头报告,第十届全国心理学大会,2005年10月,华东师范大学,上海,中国

Searching for two features in the visual scene: The local suppression effect. 海报,第一届认知神经科学中西交流会议(the First Conference of Sino-Western Exchanges in Cognitive Neuroscience), 2006年10月,北京师范大学,北京,中国

The impact of the uniformity along the task-relevant and –irrelevant dimension on visual feature search. 口头报告,普通心理学与实验心理学学术委员会年会,2007年4月,南京师范大学,南京,中国

The impact of heterogeneity along the task-relevant and -irrelevant dimensions on visual search: an fMRI study. 海报,Second International Symposium on Visual Search and Selective Attention, 2008年7月, 弗莱堡(Fribourg),瑞士

The impact of heterogeneity along the task-relevant and the –irrelevant dimensions on feature search. 口头报告,第29届世界心理学大会, 2008年7月, 柏林,德国

Neural basis of interaction between target presence and display homogeneity in visual search: An fMRI study. 口头报告,第四届机器知觉和机器人工作坊(The Fourth Joint Workshop on Machine Perception and Robotics),2008年11月,香山会议中心,北京,中国

An fMRI study on binding features within- and cross-dimension in conjunction search. 海报,16th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, 2010 年6月,巴塞罗那,西班牙

The dual function of human anterior cingulate cortex in attentional selection and conflict monitoring: An fMRI study. 海报,2010年机器感知与认知国际研讨会,2010年8月,北京,中国


The neural correlates of perceptual-load-induced attentional selection: an fMRI study. 海报,18th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, 2012 年6月,北京,中国