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师资队伍—— 邢晓沛








儿童青少年自我调节发展      家庭与儿童青少年认知社会性发展的关系及生理机制



2010/09 – 2013/06,山东师范大学,76net必赢官网,博士

2007/09 – 2010/06山东师范大学,76net必赢官网,硕士

2003/09 – 2007/06山东师范大学,76net必赢官网,本科






1. Xing, X. P., Wei, Y, T., & Wang, M. F. (2021). Reciprocal Relations between Executive Function and Receptive Vocabulary in Chinese Preschoolers:Evidence from a Two-Year Longitudinal Study. Developmental Psychology.

2. Wang, M. F.,Wang, Y. Z., Wang, F., & Xing, X. P*. (2021). Parental Corporal Punishment and Child Temperament: Independent and Interactive Predictors of Child Emotion Regulation in China. Journal of Interpersonal Violence.36,11-12.

3. Wang, M. F., Wang, F., Wang, Y. Z., & Xing, X. P*. (2021). Parental Anxiety and Depression Moderate Intergenerational Transmission of Parental Psychological Aggression in China. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 36, 8314-8337.

4. Xing, X.P., Liu, X. R., & Wang, M. F. (2019). Parental Warmth and Harsh Discipline as Mediators of the Relations between Family SES and Chinese Preschooler’s Inhibitory Control. Early Childhood Research Quarterly.48, 237-245.

5. Xing, X.P., Yin, T, T., & Wang, M. F. (2019). Cortisol Stress Reactivity Moderates the Longitudinal Effects of Parental Corporal Punishment on Chinese Preschoolers’ Executive Function. Child Abuse & Neglect.88, 288-297.

6. Xing, X. P., Zhang, L. Y., Wei, Y. T., Wang, Z. Y. (2019). Parental Harsh Discipline and Preschooler’s Inhibitory Control in China: Bidirectional Relations and Gender Differences. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. Online.

7. Xing, X.P., Wang, M.F., & Wang, Z.Y*. (2018). Parental corporal punishment in relation to children’s executive function and externalizing behavior problems in China. Social Neuroscience.13(2),184-189. doi: 10.1080/17470919.2016.1258009.

8. Wang, F., Wang, M. F., & Xing, X. P*. (2018). Attitudes mediate the intergenerational transmission of corporal punishment in China. Child Abuse & Neglect, 76, 34-43. doi: 10.1016/j.chiabu.2017.10.00.

9. Xing, X.P., & Wang, M. F.* (2017). Gender differences in the moderating effects of parental warmth and hostility on the association between corporal punishment and child externalizing behaviors in China. Journal of Child and Family Studies. 26(3), 928-938. doi: 10.1007/s10826-016-0610-7.

10. Xing, X.P., Zhang, H. Z., Shao, S. H., &Wang, M. F.* (2017). Child negative emotionality and parental harsh discipline in Chinese preschoolers: The different mediating roles of maternal and paternal anxiety. Frontiers in Psychology. 8, 339. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00339

11. Xing, X. P., & Wang, M. F*. (2018). The moderating role of HPA Activity in the relations between parental corporal punishment and executive function in Chinese School-aged children. Psychology of Violence, 8(4), 418-426.

12. Wang, Y. Z., Wang, M. F., Xing, X. P*. (2018). Parental harsh discipline and child emotion regulation: The moderating role of parental warmth in China. Child and Youth Services Review. 93, 283-290.

13. Wang, M. F*., Xing, X. P., & Zhao, J. X. (2014). Intergenerational transmission of parental corporal punishment in China: The moderating role of marital satisfaction and gender. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 42(8):1263-1274.

14. Wang, M. F*., & Xing, X. P. (2014). Intergenerational transmission of parental corporal punishment in China: The moderating role of spouse’s corporal punishment. Journal of Family Violence, 29, 119-128.

15. Xing, X. P., & Wang, M. F*. (2013). Sex differences in the reciprocal relationships between mild and severe corporal punishment and children’s internalizing problem behavior in a Chinese sample. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 34(1), 9-16.

16. Xing, X. P., Wang, M. F., Zhang, Q., He, X. R., & Zhang, W. X. (2011). Gender differences in the reciprocal relationships between parental physical aggression and children’s externalizing problem behavior in China. Journal of Family Psychology, 25, 699-708.

17. 邢晓沛, 孙晓丽, 邵淑慧, 王争艳. (2017). 父母心理控制与儿童自我控制和问题行为:有中介的调节模型. 心理科学, 40(3), 594-599.

18. 邢晓沛, 李苗苗,阴桐桐. (2018). 母亲负性情绪与儿童外化问题行为的关系:家庭嘈杂度的调节作用. 心理科学, 41 (4), 842-848.

19. 卢珊, 郭文婷, 李亚庆, 姜霁航, 王争艳, 邢晓沛*. (2018). 家庭社会经济地位对幼儿词汇理解的影响:多重中介效应分析. 心理科学. 6, 1359-1365.

20. 邢晓沛, 邵淑慧, 孙晓丽, 王争艳. (2016). 学前儿童执行功能与行为问题的关系. 中国临床心理学杂志, 24(5), 844-848.

21. 邢晓沛, 聂倩倩, 张轶男. (2018). 夫妻执行功能、家庭混乱与婚姻质量的关系. 中国临床心理学杂志, 100-104.

22. 邢晓沛, 刘新蕊, 张轶男. (2018). 学前儿童执行功能和同伴关系:外化问题行为的中介作用. 中国临床心理学杂志, 26(3), 546-550.

23. 李苗苗,者亚囡,阴桐桐, 邢晓沛*. (2019). 婚姻质量与亲子关系的主-客体互倚模型分析:儿童意志控制的调节. 中国临床心理学杂志.

24. 阴桐桐, 者亚囡, 邢晓沛.* (2019).  执行功能的代际传递:性别与家庭社会经济地位的调节效应. 中国临床心理学杂志.

25. 邢晓沛, 王争艳. (2015). 父母严厉管教的代际传递. 76net必赢官网学报(社会科学版), 3, 141-147.

26. 邢晓沛, 张燕翎, 王美芳. (2011). 父母体罚的代际传递:体罚态度的中介作用. 中国临床心理学杂志 827-829.

27. 邢晓沛, 王美芳. (2010). 父母体罚发生的生态背景概述. 中国临床心理学杂志 258-261.

28. 邢晓沛, 王美芳. (2010). 大学生迷信心理与归因方式的关系研究. 青少年研究44-46.

29. 王美芳, 邢晓沛. (2012). 小学儿童父母体罚的基本特点. 中国临床心理学杂志229-232.

30. 孔屏, 邢晓沛, 权福军. (2012). 祖父母教养对儿童同伴关系的影响:儿童问题行为的中介作用. 山东师范大学学报, 5, 151-154.

31. 王美芳, 邢晓沛, 贾慧, 贺小瑞. (2010). 大学生儿时受父母体罚经历与心理健康的关系. 中国临床心理学杂志 648-650.

32. 刘莉, 王美芳, 邢晓沛. (2011). 父母心理攻击:代际传递与配偶对代际传递的调节作用. 心理科学进展 328-335.

33. 方荟, 王美芳, 邢晓沛. (2012). 学前儿童父母的教养压力与严厉管教的关系.中国临床心理学杂志 835-838.

34. 刘蓓, 魏志民, 邢晓沛, 王美芳. (2012). 父母严厉管教与初中生外化问题行为的关系.中国临床心理学杂志 842-845.

35. 王美芳, 曹仁艳, 邢晓沛. (2010). 儿童社会技能缺陷的分类. 中国临床心理学杂志 254-257.

36. 王美芳, 张燕翎, 于景凯, 邢晓沛. (2012). 幼儿焦虑与气质. 家庭环境的关系, 中国临床心理学杂志371-373.

37. 孔屏, 郭秀红, 邢晓沛. (2013). 父母教养、祖父母教养与儿童外化问题行为之间的关系研究. 教育导刊, 7, 34-36.

38. 付素杰, 张志强, 邢晓沛, 王美芳. (2014). 父母体罚与高中生内化问题行为的关系:父母支持的调节作用. 青少年研究, 4, 25-30.


1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,32071074,父母管教与学龄儿童执行功能的双向动态关系及其生理机制, 2021/01-2024/12,在研,主持

2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,31400894,家庭环境影响学前儿童执行功能的生理机制,2015/01-2017/12,23万元,已结题,主持

3. 北京市社会科学基金项目,19JYC016,父母管教与儿童执行功能对学业和社会能力发展的影响,2019/11-2023/6,8万元,在研,主持

3. 科技创新服务能力建设-科研水平提高定额-交叉科研项目,父母严厉管教与学前儿童问题行为:唾液皮质醇和α-唾液淀粉酶的调节作用,2017.1.1-2017.12.30,10万元,已结题,主持

4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,31470994,婴儿自我调节能力与多样化养育环境的交互影响:多水平追踪研究,2015/01-2018/12,已结题,参加

5. 国家社会科学基金一般项目,17BSH144,中国扩展家庭和核心家庭与儿童执行功能与问题行为发展研究,2017/06-2019/12,已结题,参加