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程南华   博士   讲师  硕士生导师







理学博士       中国科学院心理研究所     2015.9–2019.1

教育学硕士       76net必赢官网      2012.9–2015.7

理学学士       江西师范大学76net必赢官网       2008.9–2012.7





Meng, X., Liang, X., Liu, C., Cheng, N., Lu, S., Zhang, K., Yin, Y., Cheng, T., Lu, C., & Wang, Z. (2024). Associations between screen media use and young children’s inhibitory control: Evidence from behavioral and fNIRS study. Computers in Human Behavior, 152, 108041.

Wang, C., Lin, Y., Yang, Y., Li, T., Cheng, N., & Yan, C. (2024). Who holds the social power? The development of children’s social power perceptions in China. British Journal of Developmental Psychology.

Zhang, Q., Liu, S., Wang, Z., & Cheng, N.# (2023). Developmental cascades of behavior problems and cognitive ability from toddlerhood to middle childhood: A 9-year longitudinal study. Early Human Development, 179, 105731.

Cheng, N., Ruan, X., Wu, Z., Yue, X., & Wang, Z#. (2023). The effect of maternal empathy on infants’ attachment security: Moderation by maternal emotion regulation and infant temperament. PsyCh Journal, 12(3), 368–378.

成童*,程南华*,王美芳,王争艳#. (2022).学步儿焦虑影响其5岁时创造力:一般认知和掌握动机的链式中介作用. 心理学报, 54(6), 1–16.

Cheng, N., Wan, Y., An, J., Gummerum, M., & Zhu, L. (2021). Power grabbed or granted: Children’s allocation of resources in social power situations. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 210, 105192.

Dong, S., Wang, Z., & Cheng, N#. (2023). Maternal cognitive mind-mindedness and maternal time as predictors of inhibitory control in toddlerhood. Early Child Development and Care, 193(9–10), 1112–1126.

Zhao, H., Zhang, T., Cheng, T., Chen, C., Zhai, Y., Liang, X., Cheng, N., Long, Y., Li, Y., & Wang, Z. (2023). Neurocomputational mechanisms of young children’s observational learning of delayed gratification. Cerebral Cortex, 33(10), 6063–6076.

Cheng, N.*, Lu, S.*, Archer, M., & Wang, Z. (2018). Quality of maternal parenting of 9-month-old infants predicts executive function performance at 2 and 3 years of age. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 298081.

程南华, 李占星, & 朱莉琪. (2018). 儿童的社会权力认知及其与社会行为的关系. 心理科学进展, 26(2), 283.

王争艳 & 程南华. (2014). 共同养育研究及对儿童适应的影响. 心理科学进展, 22(6), 889.

张茜, 王争艳, 程南华, 王朝, & 梁熙. (2015). 母亲的依恋史和敏感性对婴儿依恋的影响. 中国临床心理学杂志, 23(1), 124–128.